"Conquista Espiritual de las Islas Philippinas por los Religiosos de el Orden de N.P.S. Agustin: Y fundacion de su Provincia de el Smo Nombre de Jesus: con los sucesos memorables de su descubrimiento, y conquista, Por el Adelantado Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, y de los demas Governadores, hasta el Año de MDCLX. Por El Padre fr. Gaspar de San Agustin, Procurador General de dicha Provincia. Dedicados a N.P.Fr. Joseph Duque, Provincial Absoluto della, y Commissario del Santo Officio."

Folio. 1,100 written pages of text and several preliminary blank leaves. Original vellum binding. Manila late 17th or early 18th century. The text nearly written in double column, with the decorative title in different coloured inks, with dedication to Fr. Joseph Duque, and three decorative initials. Preliminary leaves and pp.667-670 loose and require rebinding.

Contrary to what Sotheby's catalog states, this codex is not the whole of the Second Part, but it comprises the first part of the Conquista Espiritual which is printed in full from an 18th century version edited by Fr. Casimiro Diaz, O.E.S.A., at Valladilid in 1890. Unfortunately, Indiana University Library does not possess this second volume, and it is impossible to say at present how far, if it all, the printed edition of 1890 differs from the corresponding section of the present ms. In any event, this ms. gives the impression of having been the author;s own copy, or else that of Fr. Casimiro Diaz, or both, for it is full of marginal corrections, annotations, and additions, as also numerous textual alterations and deletions, proving that it was intended for the press. It is very incomplete, lacking virtually the whole section for the years 1639-1694. Cf. p. 44 above (fls. 142-52) for another revised and corrected draft of the preface and introduction.
